

大型语言模型(Large Language Models,LLMs)在自然语言处理领域起着重要作用,能够生成人类语言的连续文本,为我们提供强大的语言处理能力。然而,LLMs在推理过程中面临一个重要问题,即幻觉(Hallucination)问题。幻觉指的是模型生成看似合理但实际上不准确的信息,这可能导致误导性的结果和信息的传播。

为了更好地理解和解决LLMs中的幻觉问题,研究者们进行了大量的研究工作。其中一篇关于幻觉问题的研究论文是《S3D: A Simple and Cost-Effective Self-Speculative Decoding Scheme for Low-Memory GPUs》。这篇论文提出了一种名为Skippy Simultaneous Speculative Decoding(简称S3D)的自推测解码方案,旨在解决在低内存GPU上进行LLM推理时的性能和内存限制问题。






S3D方案提出了Skippy Simultaneous Speculative Decoding(S3D)方法,通过同时多标记预测和中层跳过的方式实现自推测解码。S3D方法不需要额外的显存成本,同时具备高训练效率。与其他SD系统相比,S3D方法在性能-内存比率方面表现出色,且无需进行大规模的架构调整和训练数据的修改。







《S3D: A Simple and Cost-Effective Self-Speculative Decoding Scheme for Low-Memory GPUs》论文提出了一种名为S3D的自推测解码方案,旨在解决低内存GPU上进行LLM推理时的性能和内存限制问题。S3D方案通过同时多标记预测和中层跳过的方式实现自推测解码,具备成本效益高、训练效率高的优点。实验结果表明S3D在性能和内存比率方面表现出色,并具有实际应用的潜力。进一步的研究可以在适配器技术、更广泛的硬件评估、模型泛化能力等方面开展,以推动S3D方案的发展和应用。


  • Wei Zhong, Manasa Bharadwaj. “S3D: A Simple and Cost-Effective Self-Speculative Decoding Scheme for Low-Memory GPUs.” 2024.

S3D (Skippy Simultaneous Speculative Decoding) is a simple and cost-effective self-speculative decoding scheme designed for low-memory GPUs. It aims to achieve fast inference, low VRAM costs, and high training efficiency [1].

Speculative decoding (SD) is a technique that accelerates low-latency model (LLM) inference without sacrificing quality. It works by drafting tokens at a faster speed and then verifying the guessed tokens at the end of an iteration using a full forward pass. However, existing SD methods often achieve optimal performance on high-end devices or with a substantial GPU memory overhead. When applied to smaller models or low-memory devices where quantization is necessary, these methods can experience significant slowdowns [1].

To address these challenges, S3D introduces mid-layer skipping and simultaneous multi-token predictions. It offers no added VRAM costs and high training efficiency. By leveraging memory efficiency, S3D demonstrates optimal performance-memory ratios among recent open-source SD models. It can avoid significant quantization overheads under certain VRAM constraints and outperform previous SD methods under 8-bit quantization by up to 3.9x in speedups on A10G GPU [1].

S3D also provides optimal hyper-parameters by formalizing the relationship between the number of skipped layers and speedup in self-speculative decoding. It can verify the optimal number of token predictors, leading to improved performance [1].

In summary, S3D is a cost-effective self-speculative decoding scheme that achieves fast inference, low VRAM costs, and high training efficiency for low-memory GPUs. It overcomes the limitations of existing SD methods and demonstrates optimal performance-memory ratios [1].

Learn more:

  1. S3D: A Simple and Cost-Effective Self-Speculative Decoding Scheme for Low-Memory GPUs
  2. GitHub – hemingkx/SpeculativeDecodingPapers: 📰 Must-read papers and blogs on Speculative Decoding ⚡️
  3. [2309.08168] Draft & Verify: Lossless Large Language Model Acceleration via Self-Speculative Decoding



  1. 有效的自我推测解码:S3D采用了中间层跳过和同时进行多令牌预测的简单且节省内存的自我推测解码方案。相比之前的方法,S3D在较小的模型上克服了速度上的限制[1]
  2. 最优超参数:S3D通过对自我推测解码中跳过层数和速度提升之间关系的形式化研究,确定了最优的令牌预测器数量[1]
  3. 最优速度-内存比:S3D在最近的开源自我推测解码模型中展现出最优的性能-内存比。通过利用内存效率,S3D可以避免在特定显存限制下进行量化时产生的显著开销,并在A10G GPU上在8位量化下比之前最快的SD方法(EAGLE)提升了3.9倍的速度[1]


Learn more:

  1. S3D: A Simple and Cost-Effective Self-Speculative Decoding Scheme for Low-Memory GPUs
  2. [2405.20314] S3D: A Simple and Cost-Effective Self-Speculative Decoding Scheme for Low-Memory GPUs
  3. GitHub – hemingkx/SpeculativeDecodingPapers: 📰 Must-read papers and blogs on Speculative Decoding ⚡️
