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N46466 lifestyle lifestyleroyals The Brands Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, and Prince Philip Swear By Shop the notebooks, jackets, and more that the royals can't live without. https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyleroyals/the-brands-queen-elizabeth,-prince-charles,-and-prince-philip-swear-by/ss-AAGH0ET?ocid=chopendata [{\"Label\": \"Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh\", \"Type\": \"P\", \"WikidataId\": \"Q80976\", \"Confidence\": 1.0, \"OccurrenceOffsets\": [48], \"SurfaceForms\": [\"Prince Philip\"]}, {\"Label\": \"Charles, Prince of Wales\", \"Type\": \"P\", \"WikidataId\": \"Q43274\", \"Confidence\": 1.0, \"OccurrenceOffsets\": [28], \"SurfaceForms\": [\"Prince Charles\"]}, {\"Label\": \"Elizabeth II\", \"Type\": \"P\", \"WikidataId\": \"Q9682\", \"Confidence\": 0.97, \"OccurrenceOffsets\": [11], \"SurfaceForms\": [\"Queen Elizabeth\"]}] []
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import zipfile
from tqdm import tqdm
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import tensorflow as tf
tf.get_logger().setLevel('ERROR') # only show error messages
from recommenders.models.deeprec.deeprec_utils import download_deeprec_resources
from recommenders.models.newsrec.newsrec_utils import prepare_hparams
from recommenders.models.newsrec.models.lstur import LSTURModel
from recommenders.models.newsrec.io.mind_iterator import MINDIterator
from recommenders.models.newsrec.newsrec_utils import get_mind_data_set
from recommenders.utils.notebook_utils import store_metadata
print("System version: {}".format(sys.version))
print("Tensorflow version: {}".format(tf.__version__))
group_impr_indexes, group_labels, group_preds = model.run_fast_eval(valid_news_file, valid_behaviors_file)
with open(os.path.join(data_path, 'prediction.txt'), 'w') as f:
for impr_index, preds in tqdm(zip(group_impr_indexes, group_preds)):
impr_index += 1
pred_rank = (np.argsort(np.argsort(preds)[::-1]) + 1).tolist()
pred_rank = '[' + ','.join([str(i) for i in pred_rank]) + ']'
f.write(' '.join([str(impr_index), pred_rank])+ '\n')
f = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(data_path, 'prediction.zip'), 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
f.write(os.path.join(data_path, 'prediction.txt'), arcname='prediction.txt')
LSTUR 是一种基于神经网络的新闻推荐方法,它能够有效地捕捉用户的长短期兴趣,从而提供更精准的推荐结果。LSTUR 的优势在于能够同时学习用户的长期偏好和短期兴趣,并利用用户 ID 和 GRU 网络来学习用户表示。实验结果表明,LSTUR 模型在新闻推荐任务中取得了较好的效果。
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Okura, S., Tagami, Y., Ono, S., & Tajima, A. (2017). Embedding-based news recommendation for millions of users. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 1933-1942).
Recommenders 是一个旨在帮助研究人员、开发者和爱好者快速构建和部署各种推荐系统的项目。该项目隶属于 Linux Foundation of AI and Data,提供了丰富的 Jupyter Notebook 示例和最佳实践,涵盖了推荐系统的五个关键任务:数据准备、模型构建、算法评估、模型选择与优化,以及模型的生产化部署。
正如俄罗斯套娃(Matryoshka)一样,用户偏好和物品特征可以在不同的层次上被表达和组织。基于这一理念,Riwei Lai 等人提出了一种名为“Matryoshka 表征学习”的新方法(MRL4Rec)。这种方法通过在逐渐增加维度和重叠的向量空间中重构用户和物品的向量,从而显式地表示不同层次的用户偏好和物品特征。
Riwei Lai, Li Chen, Weixin Chen, Rui Chen. Matryoshka Representation Learning for Recommendation. arXiv:2406.07432. 2024. 链接
Matryoshka Representation Learning for Recommendation: Summary and Answers
This paper introduces Matryoshka Representation Learning for Recommendation (MRL4Rec), a novel approach to representation learning for recommendation systems. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:
Problem: Existing representation learning methods struggle to capture the inherent hierarchical structure of user preferences and item features. They either treat all features uniformly or rely on discrete clustering, which can be limiting.
Solution: MRL4Rec proposes a new representation structure called matryoshka representations. These representations organize user and item vectors into nested, incrementally dimensional vector spaces, resembling Russian nesting dolls (Matryoshka dolls). This structure allows for the explicit representation of user preferences and item features at different levels of granularity.
Key Innovations:
Matryoshka Representations: The hierarchical structure allows capturing broad preferences at higher levels and more specific interests at lower levels.
Level-Specific Training Triplets: The paper argues that constructing training triplets specific to each level of the hierarchy is crucial for accurate representation learning.
Matryoshka Negative Sampling: A novel negative sampling mechanism is proposed to generate effective training triplets, ensuring the model learns meaningful hierarchical relationships.
Results: Experiments on real-life datasets demonstrate that MRL4Rec consistently outperforms state-of-the-art recommendation models.
Code Availability: The authors have made their code publicly available (link provided in the paper).
Answering your potential questions based on this paper:
What is the main contribution of this paper?
Introducing MRL4Rec, a novel representation learning method that uses matryoshka representations to capture the hierarchical nature of user preferences and item features for improved recommendation accuracy.
How does MRL4Rec differ from previous approaches?
Unlike methods treating features uniformly or using discrete clusters, MRL4Rec employs nested vector spaces to represent hierarchical relationships between preferences and features explicitly.
What is the significance of level-specific training triplets?
They ensure that the model learns accurate representations at each level of the hierarchy by providing targeted training data.
What is the role of matryoshka negative sampling?
It generates effective negative samples, crucial for training the model to distinguish between positive and negative relationships within each level of the hierarchy.
This summary and the answers provide a comprehensive understanding of the key contributions and findings of the paper.
The provided document introduces GPT4Rec, a novel approach for streaming recommendation using graph prompt tuning. Here’s a breakdown of the paper’s key aspects:
Problem: Traditional recommender systems struggle to adapt to the dynamic nature of user-item interactions. New users, items, and preferences constantly emerge, leading to a distribution shift between training and real-world data. This often results in catastrophic forgetting, where models lose valuable knowledge from past data while trying to learn from new information.
Existing Solutions and their limitations:
Replay Buffer: These methods store a subset of past data and replay it during training. However, they are limited by buffer size and raise privacy concerns.
Model Regularization: These techniques constrain model parameters to prevent drastic changes. However, they struggle when new data significantly deviates from past patterns.
Model Isolation and Expansion: These approaches isolate old knowledge and create new learning spaces for new data. However, they lead to increased model complexity and slow updates.
GPT4Rec’s Approach:
Disentangling Complex Graphs: GPT4Rec divides the user-item interaction graph into multiple views using linear transformations. This allows the model to focus on specific aspects of the graph, such as user-to-item interactions or item-to-item similarities, without losing sight of the overall interconnectedness.
Adaptive Learning with Prompts: GPT4Rec employs three types of prompts to guide the model’s learning process:
Node-Level Prompts: These prompts capture changes in individual node attributes or properties. They are weighted based on their relevance to specific nodes, allowing the model to focus on the most pertinent information.
Structure-Level Prompts: These prompts capture broader patterns of connectivity and relationships within the graph. They decompose sub-graph structures into smaller, more manageable components, enabling the model to adapt to changes in the overall graph topology.
View-Level Prompts: These prompts aggregate information from the different disentangled views, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the evolving graph.
Advantages of GPT4Rec:
Efficient Adaptation: GPT4Rec’s prompt-based approach allows for rapid adaptation to new data streams without requiring extensive model modifications.
Knowledge Preservation: By strategically utilizing prompts, GPT4Rec retains valuable knowledge from past data while effectively incorporating new information.
Theoretical Guarantees: The paper provides theoretical analysis demonstrating that GPT4Rec possesses at least the expressive power of global fine-tuning.
The paper claims that GPT4Rec outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on four real-world datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness for streaming recommendation.
Overall, GPT4Rec presents a promising solution for addressing the challenges of streaming recommendation by leveraging graph prompt tuning. Its ability to disentangle complex graphs, adapt to evolving data patterns, and preserve valuable knowledge makes it a significant contribution to the field.
Shizhan Liu, Hang Yu, Cong Liao, Jianguo Li, Weiyao Lin, Alex X. Liu, Schahram Dustdar. “Pyraformer: Low-Complexity Pyramidal Attention for Long-Range Time Series Modeling and Forecasting.” ICLR 2022. PDF
Vaswani, Ashish, et al. “Attention is all you need.” Advances in neural information processing systems. 2017.
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Summary of “Pyraformer: Low-Complexity Pyramidal Attention for Long-Range Time Series Modeling and Forecasting”
This paper proposes Pyraformer, a novel Transformer-based model designed to address the challenges of long-range time series forecasting. The key innovation lies in its pyramidal attention module (PAM), which efficiently captures both short-term and long-term dependencies in time series data.
Here’s a breakdown of the paper’s key aspects:
Problem: Existing time series forecasting methods struggle to balance computational efficiency with the ability to capture long-range dependencies. RNNs and CNNs are efficient but struggle with long sequences, while Transformers, while good at capturing long-range dependencies, suffer from quadratic complexity.
Proposed Solution: Pyraformer
Pyramidal Attention Module (PAM):
Employs a multi-resolution pyramidal graph to represent the time series.
Inter-scale connections: Form a C-ary tree where each level summarizes information at a different resolution (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly).
Intra-scale connections: Capture temporal dependencies within each resolution by connecting neighboring nodes.
This structure allows for efficient modeling of long-range dependencies by capturing them at coarser resolutions.
Coarser-Scale Construction Module (CSCM): Initializes the nodes at coarser scales using convolutions applied to finer-scale representations.
Prediction Module:
Single-step forecasting: Gathers features from all scales and uses a fully connected layer for prediction.
Multi-step forecasting: Offers two options:
Similar to single-step but maps to multiple future time steps.
Utilizes a decoder with two full attention layers for incorporating historical information.
Low Complexity: Achieves linear time and space complexity (O(L)) thanks to the sparse connections in the pyramidal graph.
Long-Range Dependency Capture: Maintains a constant maximum signal traversing path length (O(1)), enabling efficient modeling of long-range dependencies.
Improved Accuracy: Outperforms existing methods in both single-step and long-range multi-step forecasting tasks.
Key Results:
Pyraformer consistently achieves higher prediction accuracy compared to other Transformer variants and traditional methods on various real-world datasets.
It achieves this while maintaining significantly lower time and memory consumption, especially for long sequences.
Overall, Pyraformer presents a promising solution for long-range time series forecasting by effectively balancing model complexity and the ability to capture long-term dependencies.
我们的目标是提取代表潜在的、可概括的处理的短语簇,这些处理会影响特定结果。为此,我们想象 N 个文本(Ti)被随机分配到一个过程中,通过该过程它们被映射到一个结果(Yi)。让 i 也索引评估文本 i 的个体。我们寻求识别和估计这些文本的 m 维潜在表示(Zi)的效果,该表示总结了可能在反复实验中影响结果的短语或概念簇。我们将 Zi 称为文本 i 的“文本处理”。例如,Zi 的每个元素可以表示某个短语或语法结构的存在或不存在,Zi ∈ {0, 1}m。Zi 也可以包含表示连续文本特征的实值元素,如与某个词汇或概念一致的相似性。
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论文通过分析自动度量方法与人工评估之间的相关性,旨在评估自动度量方法在评估同声传译中的可靠性,特别是翻译准确性或忠实度这一特定特征的质量。论文使用了人类专家的语言评估作为基准,来评估句子嵌入(sentence embeddings)和大型语言模型(Large Language Models)与人类评估的相关性,并且量化了源文本和翻译文本之间的语义相似性,而没有依赖于参考翻译。
A: 这篇论文《Exploring the Correlation between Human and Machine Evaluation of Simultaneous Speech Translation》主要探讨了自动评估方法在同声传译质量评估中的可靠性,尤其是与人类评估的相关性。以下是论文的主要内容总结:
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如今,LLMs和神经网络架构不断发展,尤其是在处理更长上下文方面取得了显著进步(OpenAI, 2023;Reid et al., 2024;Anthropic, 2024)。这些模型根据丰富的上下文信息生成文本的能力非常重要。例如,较长的上下文为模型提供了更多信息,以便其生成更准确、上下文相关且最新的响应。此外,长上下文能力可以通过提供更多的上下文示例、指令或强化学习中的示例轨迹来增强上下文学习(Chevalier et al., 2023;Agarwal et al., 2024;Lee et al., 2024)。
尽管这些模型能力有所进步,用于评估它们的基准测试却未能跟上。例如,目前的基准测试,如Longbench(Bai et al., 2023)和L-Eval(An et al., 2023)仅扩展到40,000个标记,而模型则能够处理数十万甚至数百万个标记。
为了测试LLMs在处理极长文档中的推理能力,我们介绍了BABILong基准。BABILong包括一组多样化的20个推理任务,如事实链、简单归纳、演绎、计数和处理列表/集合,这些任务是任何旨在与人类对话的系统的前提(Weston et al., 2016)。我们使用PG19语料库中的书籍作为长自然文档的来源(Rae et al., 2020)。通过这种方式,BABILong可以构建几乎任意长度的任务,以适应新、更强大的模型的评估,并以可扩展和可控的方式进行。我们提供了预定义长度的集合,最长可达100万个标记,并在样本上评估模型,长度可达1100万个标记。
A: 这篇论文《BABILong: Testing the Limits of LLMs with Long Context Reasoning-in-a-Haystack》试图解决的问题是,现有的大型语言模型(LLMs)在处理长文本上下文方面的能力虽然在不断增强,但目前的评估方法并没有跟上这一发展步伐,无法全面评估这些模型处理长上下文的效率。具体来说,论文指出以下几个问题:
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金鱼损失只对一部分词语进行计算,从而防止模型学习整个词语序列。选择一个金鱼掩码 G ∈ {0, 1}L,并将金鱼损失定义为
简单来说,如果掩码值为 Gi = 0,则忽略第 i 个词语的损失,如果 Gi = 1,则包含该词语。最重要的是,输出 xi 仍然以所有先前词语 x<i 为条件,允许模型在训练过程中学习自然语言的完整分布。然而,对于给定的段落,模型不会学习预测第 i 个词语,因此在测试时不会以精确的序列 x<i 为条件。需要注意的是,金鱼掩码将根据局部上下文为每个训练样本独立地选择。
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Q: 这篇论文试图解决什么问题?
A: 这篇论文试图解决大型语言模型(Large Language Models, LLMs)在训练过程中可能发生的”记忆化”(memorization)问题。记忆化是指模型在内部存储并在之后重新生成训练数据的逐字副本。这种现象在商业用途中可能带来版权风险、隐私风险以及其他法律问题。具体来说: